Hello guys, welcome back to my blog page. Today I'll be giving you one of the best if not the best business simple idea you've never thought of which could generate you a passive income without any investment just by using your smartphone and Mobile data. So what are we waiting for? Let's get straight into it .
So it's just simple,a combination of few things you could combine into one and boom,you can make lots of money from it,I mean lots of money. So we'll be talking about blogging, Affiliate marketing, shrinkearn and pay per download sites(ppds). I don't know if you've ever thought of combining all these together and if you have ,then how? That's what I'm gonna explain right away. Also do me a favor,not me ,do your self the biggest favor by subscribing to my blog page cause or follow me up on my social media accounts and groups (links to be dropped at the end of this blog) cause you don't wanna Miss any interesting topic on how to generate a passive income.zero money required,all you need is your smartphone or laptop. So you don't wanna Miss any of that . So click on those links to stay updated. Thanks. So back to business.
01. Blogging:
So we all know what blogging is. Where you write stuffs, generate traffic and earn some money by monetizing,blah blah blah.
02. Affiliate marketing;
Like we all know are ways you can earn money by promoting other people's STUFFS.
03. Shrinkearn; Is a website that allows you to shorten links on their platform and you can make money by getting people to visit your contents by going through the link you might have shortened.
04. Ppds; These are websites that allows you to upload contents just like Google drive,mega, MediaFire but these sites allows you to make money when people download the contents you've uploaded on their website. That's pretty cool 👍. So let's get into how you can combine all these together to make a lot of money.
So coming to blogging, I'll say the difficult part is finding a niche. You know what I mean by niche? Like categories you're so good in like entertainment, gaming, politics, fashion. All of these are good niches you can get a lot of traffic but in this simple plan I want to illustrate it applies to the gaming niche.
You know this is a very fast growing area and there are lots of people there. So how do you make money with it? Simple!! Give the people what they want . And what do you mean by that?
You can start up a blog page you can get people to download games especially the rooted or game mods from your site. In addition you can start up Affiliate marketing on gaming products and convince people to buy them.
You could probably go to other sites where you can download this game mods, download them upload them on ppds like uploadocean,up-load.io,userscloud,adscendmedia,filelce.net,dollar upload,share cash ,file-up.org and get people to download them through your blogs. In addition you can shorten these contents link on shrinkearn instead of the original links and also get paid when people visit your contents through those links. It's as simple as that.
You make money by monetizing your blog , Affiliate marketing through your blogs,on shrinkearn by shorten your game mods links and on ppds by getting people to download it. It's just that easy,very simple and realistic and you can be making money from different angles in one. That's pretty cool 😎.
Once again thanks for reading and I assure you if you stick to this idea you can make lots of money online.
Any questions, don't forget to drop them on the comments section below. Also you can subscribe to my blog page and my social media accounts and groups in the links below